Source: Loyal Companion (Extract)
Posted: Oct 10, 2019

Like the grumpy guy in your office who opts out of the costume contest every year, not all pets are down for Halloween. Some are game to dress up as the Robin to your Batman and hit the town. And for some, it’s their own personal nightmare. What’s right for yours?


Let’s get real. Halloween means large crowds, and lots of exposure to kids of all ages as well as other pets. Will your pet be comfortable with all that? If that’s a definite yes, here’s our Halloween night out checklist.

  • Do a test run at home

Dress up, put on a mask, play some spooky noises. If they don’t react well, time to reconsider.

  • Improve those leash skills

Find the right leash and collar, practice retractable leash safety and even take a training class.

  • Make sure their costume is comfy

Try it on in advance to see if your pet can move freely. If they look annoyed, lose the outfit.

  • Prepare your pet for a night of walking

Add a blinking light or reflective collar for safety (available in stores). Schedule a nail trim to make walking easier on their feet.

  • Know when to go

Keep an eye out for signs of stress and take them home if needed.


If your pet doesn’t love socializing under the best of circumstances and hates loud noises, congrats, you’re the proud pet parent of an introvert. Here’s our checklist for keeping your homebody feeling secure while things go bump in the night.

  • Work on their response to guests at the door

Use a pet corrector aid to cut down on barking and attempts to escape.

  • Put up a sign for trick-or-treaters

If endless doorbell ringing sets off your pet, post a note asking folks to just knock.

  • Find pets a happy place away from the action

In a quiet room, tuck your dog into his crate or let your cat hide out in their favourite drawer.

  • Help them relax

Ark Naturals Happy Traveler Chews and CBD both ease anxiety naturally. Test it out before the big night to see if it helps your pet.

  • Careful with the candy, but don’t forget the treats

Keep the Halloween goodies out of reach, and lots of pet rewards on hand for good behaviour.

  • If all else fails, lights out

If all the bustle is too much for your pet, say no to trick or treaters and yes to peace and quiet.