Pet Poop Patrol: What Your Pet’s Droppings Reveal
As a pet owner, regular mine clearing in your garden is a daily task. Apart from being a straightforward, if yucky, hygiene chore, this poop patrol mission can play a part in monitoring your pet’s health. […]
How To Keep Your Dog Stress-Free
When a dog experiences stress, it triggers a physiological and behavioural response known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction. This reaction helps them deal with perceived threats or challenges, but if prolonged or frequent, it can have negative consequences on their physical and mental well-being. […]
How to Keep Your Cat Stress-free
Despite its independent nature, a cat can experience stress just like any other animal.
How To Care For A New Puppy Or Kitten
Welcoming your newly adopted fur bundle into the home is always an exciting moment. While caring for a new puppy or kitten is a big responsibility, it’s also a lot of fun. […]
What You Need To Know About Pugs
Pugs are a popular breed of dog that have captured the hearts of many due to their playful and affectionate nature. However, their adorable looks and lovable personalities come with several health risks that owners should take into account. […]
Separation Anxiety In Dogs
Separation anxiety is a prevalent behavioural issue that affects many dogs when they are apart from their owners. It can be upsetting for both the dog and the owner, but with the right knowledge and training, it can be effectively managed. […]
Giving A Shelter Cat A New Family
Adopting a shelter cat can be a wonderful experience. Not only are you giving a loving home to an animal in need, but you are also gaining a furry companion who will provide you with love and companionship for years to come. […]
Anal Gland Problems In Dogs
Small dog breeds and overweight dogs seem to be particularly prone to anal gland problems, but it can affect larger breeds as well. […]
Maintaining Your Pet’s Immune System
Making sure that your beloved pet is resistant to infections, toxins, pathogens, and other causes of illness starts by knowing what the immune system is and what it does. […]
4DX/Accuplex Blood Testing For Dogs – It’s More Than Just A Heartworm Test!
If you have a dog and you’ve been to your veterinarian lately your dog has likely had a 4DX/Accuplex blood test. What is this test and does my dog really need it? […]
Puppy Growth And Development
Caring puppy owners have a simple set of hopes for their new family member, happiness and health. But there are other equally important expectations such as your pup being well-mannered, easy to manage, and capable of following commands. […]
Be A Good Puppy Owner, Don’t Miss Vaccinations
The Basics About Puppy Vaccinations: It’s probably safe to say that very few things compare to literal puppy love. Puppies are fluffy, smell amazing and look adorable. […]
Let’s Take A Look At Pollen Allergy in Pets
Just like humans, dogs and cats can be allergic to pollen which is an inhalant allergen. During allergy season, when pollen counts are very high, allergies can flare up. […]
Dental Disease In Dogs
Dental disease in dogs can cause unrelenting pain, however clinical signs may be subtle and easily missed by pet owners. […]
Feline Acne
Does your cat have darkish bumps or what seem to be scabs under the chin? On closer inspection, you could discover them to be comedones, widely known among us non-specialised folk as blackheads. […]
Caring For Your Toothless Dog
All pet parents occasionally worry about their canine companions becoming toothless in later years and wonder how this would affect their health and quality of life. […]
Why Does My Cat Drool?
Cats can drool for many reasons, some benign but some may be cause for further investigation. […]
What Are Pet Vaccines And Why Are They Important?
The importance of pet vaccinations cannot be emphasized enough. Apart from helping to keep your pets safe and healthy, they also work against the spreading of dangerous (and some deadly) diseases. […]
Rabies: Diagnosis, Prevention & The Value Of Vaccination
Rabies is a dangerous, fatal viral disease that can be contracted by animals and humans. Rabies is mainly transmitted by infected wildlife like bats. […]
Take Your Cat To The Vet Day
National Take Your Cat To The Vet Day reminds us that cats require just as much care as we do. Regular check-ups keep your cat happy and healthy, and give pet owners peach of mind. […]
What Your Dog’s Bad Breath Means
Bad breath (halitosis) in dogs is not uncommon but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t worry about it. In addition to being unpleasant it can mean your dog has a health issue or is suffering from a disease. […]
Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC)
Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC) is the current veterinary medical term for what was once referred to as “canine cough”, “kennel cough”, or “infectious tracheobronchitis”. […]
The Canine Pandemic
Pandemic definition – an outbreak of an infection/disease prevalent over a whole country or the world. […]
World Rabies Day – Awareness & Prevention Efforts
Rabies spreads when the saliva of an infected animal – through a bite or otherwise – comes into contact with broken skin (which includes scabs) or the eyes, nose or mouth of another animal or person. World Rabies […]
Tapeworms – Is Your Cat At Risk?
Whether your cat’s day revolves around its cat tree and food bowl, an active lifestyle outside, or a combination of the two, it is important to be aware of the potential for our feline companions to harbor unwanted parasites that could negatively affect their health and potentially our own too. […]
Worms In Dogs
Intestinal worms can affect the entire family. Find out what they are, how they’re transmitted, if they’re harmful and how to protect your family. […]
Every Season Is Parasite Season
While the risk of parasite infestation does increase with rising temperatures, you can’t count on cooler weather to keep your pets and the rest of your family safe. Especially with the ongoing expansion of tick populations in Canada. […]
Defining Feline Lifestyle Risk
Cats do not all have the same lifestyle. Understanding the risks associated with lifestyle is very important to adequately protect your companion. […]
Demodex In Dogs
Demodex canis is a small mite that lives in the hair follicles and associated sebaceous glands of dogs and are considered “ubiquitous” or a normal inhabitant of the skin in all dogs. […]
World Veterinary Day
The World Veterinary Association (WVA) created this annual event, observed on the last Saturday of April every year, to celebrate the incredible work veterinarians do to protect animal health and welfare around the world. […]
Care For Your Dog
Whether your dog has come from a shelter or rescue organization, a breeder, a friend, or from some other source, he or she will already have become a full member of the family. […]
Stages And Treatment Of Gum Disease In Cats
Cats, like humans and dogs, can develop gum disease when food particles remain on and around the teeth. […]
Kittens And Intestinal Parasites – Symptoms And Causes
Caring for a kitten is a big responsibility and there are steps and routines required for their wellbeing. One of them is protecting your kitten from parasites. […]
What You Should Know About Oral Health Assessments For Cats
Dental disease in cats might not be completely preventable, but good oral hygiene can make a significant difference when it comes to promoting the overall health of your cat. […]
Are You Fighting Fleas?
With more than 2,000 flea species in the world, it’s a wonder your pets only have to grapple with a handful. […]
Pet Immunization
August is National Vaccination Awareness Month, raising awareness about the importance and timely immunization of pets and the value of booster shots to keep pets safe from diseases […]
What You Need To Know About Zoonotic Diseases
A zoonotic disease (or zoonosis) is a type of disease that passes from an animal or insect to a human. […]
An Argument for Splitting Up Vaccines in Small Dogs
A study, namely ‘Adverse events diagnosed within three days of vaccine administration in dogs’ by GE Moore [2005], has indicated that a greater percentage of small dogs experience vaccine-associated adverse events (VAAEs). […]
What to Know & Consider Before Adopting A Shelter Pet
When you adopt a pet, they become part of your family. So – before you make a decision – take everyone’s health, safety and happiness into consideration, not to mention the financial responsibilities of being a pet parent. […]
Why Chocolate Is Bad For Dogs
To spread awareness and help avoid tragedies, we are reaching out to talk about the dangers chocolate holds for pets. […]
Vital Reasons Why You Should Clean Up After Your Dog
Here are some important reasons why you should pick up your pet’s waste […]
Companion Animals and Coronavirus
There are various types of coronaviruses. This article looks at the differences between the two types you should know about. […]
Reasons Why You Should Spay or Neuter Your Pet
Spreading awareness and educating others about the importance of spaying or neutering your pet can help everyone become more responsible and caring pet owners as well as offer significant health benefits to your pet. […]
FAQs About Heartworm In Pets
Here are a few frequently asked questions about heartworm along with answers. […]
Responsible Pet Owners Month In A Nutshell
Pets are not accessories, they’re family members. They have feelings and deserve the best care. […]
Instructions for Identifying Cat Worms
Because it is relatively easy for a cat to acquire worms, it is a good idea to know the warning signs before the problem becomes unmanageable. […]
Zoonotic Disease Risks of Sandboxes
Sandboxes can be breeding grounds for parasites brought in by infected animals, such as cats, dogs, raccoons and rodents using them as giant litter boxes. […]
An Overview: Control of Feline Parasites
A parasitic infection in cats is characterized by one or more parasites using the feline as a host. Internal parasites (endoparasites) enter the body of the feline and can live in the heart, liver, lungs, intestine, or stomach. […]
Fleas, Ticks and Ear Mites on Cats
Ectoparasites are external parasites that live on the outer surface of the host and generally attach themselves during feeding. […]
What You Should Know About Senior Dogs
As dogs get older, their needs change. So, here are a few things you should know about senior dogs. […]
Advances In Vaccines For Cats
There are many myths out there about vaccines for cats. However – regardless of what you’ve seen or heard […]
Protect Your Dog From Serious Diseases With Vaccines
You can help protect your dog from serious diseases by following a routine vaccination program. […]
Are Cats More At Risk For Worms In Warmer Weather?
Canada’s climate affects the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites, such as worms, in cats. As with many other parasites, the risk of infection increases in warmer months. […]
Common Canine Fleas And Ticks In Canada
Fleas and ticks love dogs. Left untreated, they can cause great discomfort or disease and affect humans as well. Preventative treatment is your best defense against these nasty external parasites. […]
Here’s How To Improve Your Cat’s Well-being
There is a common misconception that cats are low-maintenance pets. They’re not high-maintenance pets, but they need certain things. A lot of these responsibilities are easy to uphold and becomes routine; others only require occasional attention. […]
Here’s How To Improve Your Dog’s Well-being
To keep your dog physically healthy you need to prioritize quite a few things. Fortunately, most of these responsibilities are easy to uphold and will quickly become routine; others only need to happen occasionally. […]
Does Your Cat Have A Healthy Coat & Skin?
The state of your cat’s skin and coat can give you a good idea of his or her general health. A smooth and shiny coat is ideal, but a coarse, brittle coat usually needs attention. […]
Does Your Dog Have A Healthy Coat & Skin?
The state of your dog’s skin and coat can give you a good idea of his or her general health. In terms of skin, supple and clear skin is healthy, while greasy, flaky and bumpy skin is worrisome. When it comes to the […]
Bite-Wounds In Cats
When a cat’s immune system can’t clear the site of infection fast enough after a bite from another animal, the wound may become a ‘pocket of pus’, which is a liquid collection of inflammatory cells, bacteria, and damaged tissue. Because the mouth is associated with bacterial populations, bite […]
Bite-Wounds In Dogs
When a dog’s immune system can’t remove bacterial infection, inflammation, and damaged cells fast enough after a bite from another animal, the wound may become a ‘pocket of pus’, which is a liquid collection of inflammatory cells, bacteria, and damaged tissue. […]
What You Need To Know About Your Cat’s Oral Health
Pet owners know that their own dental hygiene is important, but not everyone knows that their pets need special oral care as well. Unchecked dental disease in cats can cause heart, lung and even kidney disease. However, if you take time to […]
What You Need To Know About Your Dog’s Oral Health
As humans we know how important good dental hygiene is. The thing is, it’s also very important for pets, but often dismissed. If left unchecked, dental disease in dogs can cause other health problems, for example heart, lung and even kidney disease. […]
Signs And Types Of Oral And Gum Disease In Cats
Cats require regular dental home care to reduce the risk of oral or gum disease. Here are several signs of oral disease in cats you should watch out for […]
How To Keep Your Dog’s Mouth Clean
The first step to keeping your dog’s mouth clean is knowing that you need to keep it clean. The Goal: Reduce bacteria in your pet’s mouth to reduce the risk of diseases and conditions. […]
Feline Tooth Resorption: What You Need to Know
Resorption is the process by which something is reabsorbed. Add the word ‘tooth’ and you get a condition that causes the disintegration of teeth. Odontoclasts (dentine-destroying cells) are responsible for the process. […]
A Healthy Mouth Vs. An Unhealthy Mouth In Dogs
It might seem a little bit strange, but a dog’s oral health is very important. Unfortunately, not everyone knows this and some don’t really believe it. What qualifies as a healthy mouth in dogs? Clean is King. That means teeth without plaque and […]
Taking Care Of Your Cat’s Health
Some cat owners might wonder when their pets need a visit to the veterinary. After all, many of them only go when it’s an emergency – but that’s not enough. In fact, once a year, every year, your cat(s) should see a veterinarian for a full […]
Taking Care Of Your Dog’s Health
Some dog owners might wonder when their pets need a visit to the veterinary. After all, many of them only go when it’s an emergency – but that’s not enough. In fact, once a year, every year, your dog(s) should see a veterinarian for a full checkup […]
Cat Mange – What You Need To Know
Cat mange is a very contagious skin disease. It is caused by a tiny burrowing mite species called Notoedres cati. Other names for the disease include notoedric mange and feline scabies. […]
Worms In Cats: Intestinal Parasitic Infestation
Intestinal parasites are organisms that live in the gastrointestinal tract (gut) of animals and humans. When a parasite enters a cat and starts living in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract it’s called an intestinal parasitic infestation. […]
Protect Your Dogs Against The Danger Of Mosquitoes This Summer
With the year already heading towards longer warmer days, man’s best friend will again face a lesser-known summer hazard: mosquitoes. Dog owners who understand the risk mosquitoes pose to the health and well-being of their dogs will be pleased to know […]
Tackling Ticks And Fleas In Your Garden
Dogs and cats that spend most of their time outdoors are at high risk of picking up ticks and fleas just lying in wait for their next unsuspecting victim. These dangerous, blood-sucking critters can affect the overall health of your pets and your loved ones […]
Rabies: How It Spreads, The Signs & Why Vaccination Is Vital
Rabies is a zoonotic viral disease, meaning a disease that normally exists in domestic and wild animals that can infect humans. It attacks the central nervous system and once symptoms […]
Leptospirosis – A Serious Bacterial Disease
Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by a type of bacteria called Leptospira. This bacterial disease can infect domestic animals, wildlife and humans. The disease causes fever, jaundice, kidney failure, abortion and may be fatal in severe cases. […]
Canine Cough In Dogs And Cats
Canine cough is the common name for infectious tracheobronchitis, a condition that affects the upper respiratory tract and is characterized by the inflammation of the trachea and bronchi. It is a common highly infectious respiratory illness that can affect both dogs and cats. […]
Lyme Disease And Ticks
Ticks can transmit a number of diseases including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, depending on the type of tick. […]
Rabies In Pets
Whenever you hear the word ‘rabies’ you should pay attention. Mammals – for our purposes humans, dogs and cats – can all get rabies. Rabies is a deadly virus and survival is […]
![Close up of dog drooling](
![picture of dog sitting on bench with atlas globe behind him](
![Cat Healthy Coat and Skin](
![Dog coat and skin](
![Cat on a bed receiving a bandage for paw](
![Dod receiving a bandage for paw](
![Doctor checking dogs teeth](
![Cat receiving oral examination](
![Cat Health](
![Dog Health](
![Mosquitoes on dogs](
![Dog scratching himself in garden](
![Black dog running on grass](