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Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides and its founding program, Canine Vision Canada, was established in 1983. It’s the largest school of its kind in Canada with its training school in Oakville and breeding facility in Breslau.


Uncommon Facts About Dogs VS Cats

Here’s a few things you didn’t know about your furry friends.


  1. Dogs can make about 10 different sounds.
  2. Your dog has about 100 different facial expressions, most involving ears.
  3. Dogs don’t have an appendix.
  4. As per the Guiness World Book of Records, the longest living dog was an Australian Cattle Dog that lived to be 29.
  5. A dog’s memory is only 5 minutes long – a cat’s is up to 16 hours.
  6. Most domestic dogs can run at about 30 km/h, but Greyhounds, the fastest dogs on earth, can run at speeds up to 72 km/h.
  7. The roots of your dog’s teeth are longer than the teeth themselves.
  8. A newborn puppy can’t see or hear, has no teeth, and won’t be able to control his bladder till he is about 4 months old.
  9. Dalmations are born all white and only develop spots as they get older.
  10. Touch is the first sense your dog develops – her entire body, including the paws, contains nerve endings sensitive to the touch.
  11. Your dog’s sense of smell is over 100,00 times more acute than yours.
  12. Dogs have the intelligence of toddlers – they can understand up to 200 words and hand signals with the same meaning as words.


  1. Cats have five toes on their front paws, but only four toes on their back paws.
  2. Cats can squeeze through any opening that is not smaller than their heads – their bone structure is narrow at the shoulders and they can easily rotate their bodies through tight spaces.
  3. Cats do not have sweat glands.
  4. The pelvis and shoulders are only loosely attached to a cat’s spine, which is part of what makes kitties so flexible and able to squeeze into tight spaces.
  5. Papillae, tiny elevated backward hooks that help hold prey, are what make a cat’s tongue feel scratchy.
  6. Humans should not pick up a kitten or cat by the scruff of the neck – only mother cats can do this safely, and only with kittens.
  7. Cats can hear better than dogs.
  8. Fossil records have shown that cats have been around for thousands of years, without much change in their shape or behaviours.
  9. Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, as compared to a dog’s 10.
  10. A cat’s jaws are designed to move up and down, but not sideways – they cannot grind their food, they can only bite down on it.
  11. The ridges on a cat’s nose pad are as individual as a human’s finger prints.
  12. The domesticated kitty is the only feline species that walks with its tail held vertically – wild cats position their tails horizontally or tuck them between their legs while walking.

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