Cats And Strange Litter Box Habits
The primary reason why cat owners surrender their beloved feline companions to animal shelters is due to strange and objectionable litter box habits. […]
The Importance Of Socializing And How Puppy School Can Help
Socialized puppies and puppies that go to puppy school are more likely to develop into happy, healthy dogs that literally play well with others, including humans. […]
How To Train Older Dogs
To be honest, teaching an older dog new tricks is not the easiest task, but, with a little help, it is possible. Before you start, just check with your veterinarian which physical exercises are safe. […]
Why Do Dogs Bark And How To Restrain It
Barking is in a dog’s nature, but when barking is excessive it can cause problems. Usually, dogs bark for a reason, so figuring out the ‘why?’ is the first step of action. […]
Top Interactive Toys For Bored Dogs
A bored dog can become unhappy, destructive or anxious. Interactive dog toys could be the solution, or at least part of the solution. […]
Top Toys For Cats
Some house cats have learnt to enjoy a life of leisure, while others prefer to mix things up with frequent hunting trips, or at least exploring missions. When they’re not relaxing, ‘the hunters’ probably enjoy to stalk and pounce on prey … or things that look like prey. […]
The Benefits Of Dog Toys
Most dogs need chew toys, especially when they’re puppies and many dogs need toys to play with, especially when they’re alone. The distraction and entertainment offered by toys will benefit both pets and their owners. […]
Using A Muzzle As A Training Aid: What You Should Know
Many (if not most) dog owners tend to find the use of muzzles upsetting or even inhumane. Here are some of the main concerns and questions: Does it hurt? Isn’t it cruel? How long can it be worn? Is it really necessary and when? […]
Training Dogs
5 Essential commands worth teaching your dog: Just because your beloved dog is balanced, happy and healthy doesn’t mean he or she is obedient. Luckily, with a few basic tricks, you can manage certain unfavourable behaviours that you’re experiencing or that can creep in later. […]
Treat Tips For Training Dogs
There is a great variety of treats out there owners can choose from to make dog training easier. Different dog ages, dog sizes and difficulty levels of tricks will help determine the choice of treat. Other factors such as treat ingredients and product origin are important to many owners […]
Raising & Training Kittens
Most people know that dogs can be trained, but not everyone knows that cats are also able to learn various tricks and behaviours. They are intelligent, independent animals and with the right training they can follow instructions (plus, they don’t really need that much approval). Here are a few techniques and tips […]
Raising & Training Puppies
Most people will agree that puppies are adorable, but before getting one you should know that they also require lots of love, attention and training. You should start training your puppy as soon as they arrive at their new home. […]
Dog Obedience Training
It’s important to help people understand that raising and maintaining a dog, although rewarding, is not always easy. That’s where training comes in. Once you and your dog understand each other, life becomes pleasant and things can get fun. […]
Negative Punishment For Cats
When it comes to cat discipline, many owners find negative punishment and positive reward useful. Before finding out how you can discipline your cat, remember the following: always react consistently towards bad (and good) behaviour. If you don’t, you’ll just confuse your cat […]
Negative Punishment For Dogs
Don’t let the word “negative” get to you. Read this important page! Dogs need discipline. Some dog owners find negative punishment effective when it comes to correcting their dogs. It almost always works and it’s humane as well as safe. Plus: it can help with healthy communication and developing good behaviour. […]
Common Cat Behaviours
A deep stare accompanied by a purr, gentle kneading and rubs against our legs are all great. However, rejecting a clean litter box and streaking (leaving feces stains) through the house are far from OK. Don’t let common cat problems get in the way […]
Socializing: Indoor Games for Dogs
Whether it’s cold outside or if you live in an apartment, it’s great to have a few simple and fun games to keep your dog entertained, active and stimulated. Try these 10 indoor exercises and games to make the most of playtime. […]
Dogs As Companion Animals In Canada
Companion dogs, emotional support dogs and therapy dogs are not technically service dogs. Companion dogs provide comfort and coping assistance. […]
Daycare For Dogs: Supervision, Socialization And Stimulation
Daycare for dogs would’ve been a strange concept a decade or so ago, but today it’s a growing commercial service that’s benefiting dogs and owners. The concept of paying for dog supervision might seem strange, but if all the pros are weighed up it really […]
Dogs That Jump And How To Stop Them
Dominance and greeting behaviours are popular theories about why dogs jump on people. Dogs are very social and greet each other nose-to-nose and want to do the same with humans. […]
The Most Common Dog Phobias And Fears
It’s usually sad and can cause stress when dog owners realize their dog has a fear or phobia. They often don’t understand the cause and don’t know how to handle the behaviour that comes with the fear. […]
Training Cats For Movies And TV Shows
Believe it or not, cats are totally trainable. Well, at least some of them. How do we know this? Cats appear in movies and TV shows where they perform certain actions they’ve been taught. Here’s the thing though: apparently they’re harder to train than other […]
Train Your Cat To Do These Things
Does your cat follow your every command? Probably not. Don’t worry, it’s normal. However, with a little effort, positive reinforcement and patience you can train your cat to do these things: Clickers are not just used for training dogs. […]
How Dogs Tune Out Noise
The “Cocktail Party Effect” : Have you ever heard your name being mentioned nearby, while being surrounded by a noisy crowd? This strange but common phenomenon is called ‘the cocktail party effect’. Dogs have the same ability and they’re even better at it than human babies! […]
Socializing Your Dog
What is dog socializing and why does it matter? The gap for effective learning closes at around 16 to 20 weeks, so start obedience training immediately. During these first four to five months your curious and fearless puppy’s senses will be greatly stimulated. […]
Socializing Your Cat
It might not be common knowledge, but cats also need to be socialized. Luckily, you can find out how to socialize your cat here or share the tips with other cat owners who could benefit. What is cat socialization and why is it important? […]