Creating A Pet Disaster Plan: A Guide For Pet Owners
Your furry companions are part of the family through good times and bad. As much as our lives are full of opportunity to enjoy the wonders and delights that nature and the modern world afford, regularity and stability are sometimes taken for granted. […]
Winter Dehydration In Pets
This article sets out to answer some crucial pet hydration FAQs. […]
First Aid For Cats
It is often said that accidents in and around the home account for most of the injuries suffered by humans. This also holds true for our pets. Managing emergencies is a rare but critical job pet parents are required to handle. […]
Toxic Plants: What Dog Owners Should Know
Most garden and houseplants are harmless to humans but can be toxic to dogs who aren’t instinctively aware of how
dangerous some can be. […]
Dog Park Safety
Pet owners have many responsibilities, and among them, safety and health are the top priorities. Luckily, ensuring that your dog stays safe and fit is a lot simpler than it sometimes seems. […]
What To Do During A Dog’s Seizure
There are often warning signs when a dog is about to have a seizure. A dog may begin to act scared, dazed, stressed or anxious without cause. Dogs may also have trouble seeing, experience muscle and limb contractions, and even lose bowel and bladder control. […]
How To Tackle Pet Transport During Holidays
Dogs have become more than just pets, they’ve become family members that play a big role in people’s lives. Their companionship is enjoyed beyond the confines of their owner’s home and most dogs love sharing in any action, even if you’re just running errands. […]
The Responsible Pet Owner’s Guide For Snake Season
Being a pet owner is really rewarding, but it’s hard work as well. After all, we are responsible for our pets’ health, happiness and safety. Part of this is taking extra special care of our pets during the holidays which may involve protecting our pets from snakes. […]
How To Help Dogs During Fireworks
Certain events, holidays and occasions are celebrated with fireworks and they’re generally associated with fun, relaxation and celebration. Unfortunately, many dogs don’t feel the same way. […]
Summer Safety
Dogs don’t sweat like humans do and can easily suffer from heatstrokes in a short amount of time. Even on a cool day, the temperature in the car is much hotter than outside and can lead to brain damage or death. […]
Accessories & Equipment For Safe Car Travel
With pet-friendly places and spaces popping up everywhere, owners have more opportunities to bring pets along for the ride, whether going for lunch or escaping for the weekend. […]
When Is It Too Cold For Dogs To Be Outside?
While dogs can tolerate cold weather, certain temperatures are considered too cold. The question is: what are these temperatures? There is no one-size-fits-all answer for all breeds and sizes, but here is a chart (adapted from a system created by Tufts University) and some common sense you can use as a guide. […]
Basic First Aid For Dogs Part 2: First Aid For Different Situations
Part of being a responsible dog owner is learning how to take care of your pet in case of an accident, emergency or injury. […]
Basic First Aid For Dogs Part 1: First Aid Kit & Emergencies Overview
Being a responsible dog owner involves educating yourself about basic care and health problems. It’s also important to learn how to take care of your pet in case of an injury, accident or emergency. […]
What To Do If You Suspect Your Pet Has Been Poisoned
The symptoms of a poisoned pet depend on the type of poison he or she was exposed to. […]
Dog Poisoning
Dogs are inquisitive and can get their snouts into just about anything, from a bar of abandoned chocolate, to plants and house cleaning products. […]
When Is It Too Cold For Cats To Be Outside?
Indoor cats need little to no encouragement to stay inside when it’s too cold outside. Outdoor cats on the other hand, with their adventurous and independent spirits, are harder to convince and keep inside. […]
What You Should Know About Being Allergic To Cats
To understand certain people’s allergic reactions to cats, we have to look at the causes and symptoms before getting into diagnosis and treatment. More people are allergic to cats than they are to dogs. […]
What You Should Know About Dogs And Allergies
The human body cannot necessarily tolerate every single substance that can be found on this earth. Dogs are no different. Substances can include anything from food and medications to environmental substances such as plants, dust and mould. […]
The Importance Of Pet Hydration
Dogs and cats, like humans and other animals, need water to survive. Staying hydrated is even more important if a dog or cat is active and exposed to sun. […]
The Dangers Of Leaving Dogs In Cars
Leaving a dog in a parked car is unacceptable, especially if it’s a hot day. Dogs can suffer a great deal and heatstroke can be fatal. Even if the window is cracked, the temperature will keep rising and dogs can easily overheat without free flowing air that’s required to […]
The Dangers Of Leaving Cats In Cars
The number one reason you should never leave your cat in a parked car is the fact that she can suffer brain damage or even die from heatstroke on a warm day. […]
Protecting Your Dog’s Paws From Hot Surfaces
Summer is great for walks, but have you ever thought about the pavement temperature when hitting the road? Asphalt and cement can get crazy hot, sometimes even too hot to touch! So, just imagine what it can do to your pup’s precious paws! […]
How To Keep Pets Safe During The Holidays
Holidays are for relaxing, doing fun things and spending time with loved ones, which can include your dear pets. If you want to take your pet with on holiday, you should be aware of dangerous situations and poisonous objects. […]
Pet And Car Travel: Health & Safety
With a little planning, travelling can become less stressful for you and your pet. The first step is to make sure everyone is SAFE and as comfortable as possible. Whether it’s time for a visit to the veterinarian or your next road trip, be sure to […]
Tips For Safe, Stress-Free Pet Travel
Implement these travel tips to ensure your pets remain healthy and happy, wherever you travel these holidays. […]
Bites And Scratches Cats
Most cats are relaxed, peaceful and tend to avoid confrontation. Still, there are times (as most cat owners know) when kitty can throw a crazy claw or nibble just a little bit too hard. A bite or scratch can be painful and also get infected. Find Out How […]
Aggression In Dogs
Dog aggression is not something owners want to deal with, but it’s important to act as soon as possible. […]
What You Should Know About Performing CPR On Cats
If your cat is breathing, but unconscious, try to get to a veterinarian as soon as possible. If you can’t detect breathing or struggle to find a pulse, artificial respiration (AR) or […]
What You Should Know About Performing CPR On Dogs
It’s so difficult not to freeze or get frantic when you find your dog in a life-threatening situation. The best thing you can do is learn how to help your dog […]
Poison Dangers For Cats
Foods, medicines and other items cats should never eat. Cats are smart, curious creatures and even though they are wonderfully resilient, there are some things they should never eat. […]
Poison Dangers For Dogs
Foods, medicines and other items dogs should never eat. Even though dogs are wonderful resilient creatures, there are some things they should never eat. Here’s a list of dangerous foods, medicines and items […]
What You Should Know About Epilepsy In Cats
Just because it’s more common for dogs than cats to suffer from epilepsy doesn’t mean epilepsy in cats should be taken lightly. Before we get to symptoms, causes and treatment it’s important to understand the difference between a seizure and epilepsy. […]
What You Should Know About Seizures In Dogs
Epilepsy is a brain disorder that is more common in dogs than in cats. It’s also important to know that a seizure is a single occurrence while the word epilepsy is used when two or more unprovoked seizures have occurred. […]