Why Do Cats Knead? The Science Behind A Curious Behaviour
Cat owners are familiar with the peculiar behaviour known as “kneading,” where cats rhythmically push their paws in and out against soft surfaces. This article explores the scientific understanding behind this intriguing feline behaviour. […]
The Unique Challenges Of Indoor Living For Cats
As responsible cat owners, we cherish our feline companions and strive to provide them with the best care possible. However, when our beloved cats live exclusively indoors, they encounter unique challenges that require thoughtful consideration. […]
Top Tips for Choosing A Pet Groomer
The grooming experience should be a positive one, and stress-free for both you and your cat, therefore it is very important to stay calm. […]
How To Introduce A Cat And Dog
Introducing a cat and dog can be a rewarding experience for everyone involved, but it’s crucial to do it slowly and carefully to avoid stress and potential conflict. […]
How To Choose The Right Pet For Your Lifestyle
Choosing a pet is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. It is a long-term personal commitment that should reflect your lifestyle, preferences, and resources. […]
Kitty Communication: Body Language
Cats are not as domesticated as dogs and are suspected of seeing their owners mainly as a source of sustenance and comfort. […]
First Aid For Cats
It is often said that accidents in and around the home account for most of the injuries suffered by humans. This also holds true for our pets. Managing emergencies is a rare but critical job pet parents are required to handle. […]
Pet Etiquette In The Workplace
With such significant changes afoot in the working environment what would be the responsibilities of a sensible and appreciative pet owner? […]
Most Popular Dog Breeds
It’s been proved by millions throughout the centuries and there remains no doubt about it, the world’s best dog is the one that owns you. […]
Most Popular Cats
Cat fancier or not, it’s almost impossible to resist the ice-blue eyes of a Siamese, the silky luxuriance of a Persian, or the sinuous grace of an Abyssinian. […]
Teaching Deaf Dogs Sign Language
According to world-famous dogspert, Cesar Milan, as with all canine training, the keys to setting the stage for learning sign language are Connection and Communication, which leads to a secure Relationship. […]
Knowing More About Service Dogs
A competent, loyal, and loving service dog is a blessing to its owner. Some are trained specifically to help people with physical disabilities while others provide emotional and psychiatric support. […]
Doggy Communication: Body Language
A rarity in the animal kingdom, dogs’ powerful communication strategies allow attentive humans to understand them. […]
What To Look For On Pet Food Labels
“Crude ash content 5%, moisture content 12%, fibre content 3%, steak flavoured meal”; Such statistics and this type of wording are all found on pet food packaging but a straw poll among pet owners will quickly reveal that few know what these values and claims mean. […]
Dog Park Safety
Pet owners have many responsibilities, and among them, safety and health are the top priorities. Luckily, ensuring that your dog stays safe and fit is a lot simpler than it sometimes seems. […]
Holiday Tips for Pet Owners
Holidays should be fun, whether travelling to family, or family coming to you, getting away for a work break, or from the household routines. But what if you have four-legged kids as well? […]
Allergies In Pets Are Real
Our pets’ allergic reactions could easily be overlooked since nibbling at their extremities and occasional scratching are often the norm. However, such fidgeting may hint at underlying problems that have gone unnoticed. […]
Hot Tips For Summer
Summer can often be uncomfortably hot, especially for our fur-babies. That’s why pet parents should always be considerate of their quadruped companion’s ability to cope with high temperatures. […]
Should You Bathe Your Cat?
That cats don’t enjoy a water drenching can cause anxiety for pet owners when Kitty needs a bath. This means finding the safest and least painful way of taking on this chore. […]
Here’s A Handy List Of Off-Leash Dog Parks In Canada
Own a dog? Need to get out? Visit a dog park where your pooch can run free! Here are some of the many awesome off-leash areas to explore with your loyal companion. […]
How Much Does It Cost To Own A Pet In Canada?
Love may be priceless, but taking care of a pet is a responsibility with ongoing financial commitments. That is why the cost of owning a pet in Canada is a vital factor to consider before welcoming a new furry family member into your home. […]
Unsung Heroes In The Animal Industry
This International Volunteers Day, let’s take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate the Unsung Heroes in the animal industry […]
Basic First Aid For Dogs Part 2: First Aid For Different Situations
Part of being a responsible dog owner is learning how to take care of your pet in case of an accident, emergency or injury. […]
How To Make Your Own Dog Shampoo
Making your own dog shampoo is easier than you might think. In fact, you may even have most of the ingredients already! […]
Basic First Aid For Dogs Part 1: First Aid Kit & Emergencies Overview
Being a responsible dog owner involves educating yourself about basic care and health problems. It’s also important to learn how to take care of your pet in case of an injury, accident or emergency. […]
Benefits Of Pet Insurance
Every one in three pets will need emergency treatment each year. No matter how careful and responsible we are, our pets’ lives come with uncertainties. […]
Dogs And Boots
Dogs’ paws are naturally made to withstand rough surfaces, but with extreme temperatures their paw pads may get worn out and thus create a painful experience for them. […]
International Dog Day
Canines have a millennia-long history of close relations, loyalty, friendship and companionship with humans. Take time to celebrate the incredible bond between humans and dogs of all breeds, mixed and pure, and contribute to and support homeless and abused dogs. […]
International Cat Day
International Cat Day is a day to raise awareness and celebrate one of man’s most common and ancient pets and learn about ways to help and protect felines. […]
Fun Ways To Spend Best Friend’s Day With Your Dog
Best Friend’s Day is celebrated on June 8th and the perfect time to show our furry friends just how much they are appreciated. […]
National Dog Party Day
National Dog Party Day is celebrated on June 21st and it’s a fun holiday for all pooches to let loose. Dog PAWties can be as laid-back or elaborate as long as your pooch and friends have fun. […]
Take Your Pet To Work Day
Dogs have been man’s best friend from the very beginning and worked alongside us, hunting, tracking and even keeping man safe at night. […]
The Importance Of Pets In Our Lives
Pets are part of our everyday lives and play a key role in human health and recovery. […]
Pets That Survived Cancer
Talking about cancer is not fun and to many, cancer is a scary word that equals pain and suffering. […]
Microchipping Your Pet
Microchipping your pet has become one of the most important parts of pet ownership. […]
The Benefits Of Pet Ownership
Owning a pet is beneficial for your overall health and well-being. Petting, holding or cuddling a pet increases the levels of serotonin and dopamine in our bodies, which are feel-good, calming brain chemicals. […]
National Kids & Pets Day
National Kids and Pets Day is celebrated on April 26 to acknowledge the special bond children and pets share and help bring awareness to the plight of pets in shelters awaiting new homes and a second chance. […]
The Tempting World Of Pet Tech
“At its current growth rate, the smart pet market should reach $1 billion by 2023.” […]
Dog Food Thoughts: How Much Do You Know About Kibble?
Kibble, in a nutshell, is ground up ingredients shaped into pellets. […]
Pet-Positive Resolutions For 2024
Let us start the New Year with Pet-Positive Resolutions and as the saying goes, “out with the old and in with the new”. […]
Grooming Your Cat
The grooming experience should be a positive one, and stress-free for both you and your cat, therefore it is very important to stay calm. […]
Walking Your Dog
January is Walk Your Dog Month and what better way to start the New Year by enjoying the numerous health and social benefits by walking your dog. […]
Grooming Your Dog
When grooming your dog, it is important to always stay calm and bring on the treats! The grooming experience should be a positive one, and stress-free for both you and your pet. […]
23 Tips for Surviving Winter with Your Cat
Here’s how to make the best of a frosty yet magical season with your feline friend! […]
28 Tips for Surviving Winter with Your Dog
Here’s how to make the best of a frosty yet magical season with your best friend! […]
Fun Ways To Celebrate Halloween With Pets
There are a number of great ways to celebrate Halloween with your pets. […]
Ways To Celebrate Being A Pet Dad
Our lives are busier than ever, and Father’s Day is the time of the year to consider what kind of dad you are to your pet children. […]
Join #TheSafeSnapsProject
Staying at home can be annoying, boring or really tough sometimes, but it’s the right thing to do because it saves precious human lives. […]
Reasons to Chip Your Pet
Over one million cats or dogs are reported lost each year in Canada – this is an estimate by The British Columbia Pet Registry. […]
Caring For Disabled Cats & Dogs
Whether your cat or dog suffered an injury, acquired a chronic illness, was born with a disability or is facing aging challenges, your pet can still have a happy life. […]
Ways To Celebrate Being A Pet Mom
Pets are a wonderful part of our lives and a source of comfort and support. They are part of the family and being a Pet Mom has so many rewards. […]
Fun Tips On How To Keep Dogs Happy Indoors
Dogs are very social and the type and frequency of play are very important for your dog’s quality of life and to strengthen the bond with their human family. […]
How To Respect Your Cat
Did you know that 28 March is Respect Your Cat Day? […]
6 Ways To Treat Your Pet On Valentine’s Day
Our pets are probably our biggest admirers, so why not do something special for them this year? […]
10 Tips For Throwing A Top Doggy Birthday Party
Want to throw your dog a great party for their birthday or gotcha day? Take a look at these tips before you get started! […]
Your Aging Cat – What You Need To Know
Although your aging cat may not be a frisky kitten anymore, given the proper care your pet can stay healthy and happy throughout their senior and geriatric years. […]
A Handy Overview Of Dog Shampoos
That puppy smell doesn’t last forever and even puppies need baths sooner or later. So do adolescent, adult and senior dogs. […]
Owning Pets In Canada – Facts & Things To Know
Pet well-being is becoming increasingly important to pet owners. In fact, the number of pet owners consulting veterinarians or veterinary technicians are on the rise. […]
Which Animals Can Legally Be Kept As Pets In Canada?
In Canada, certain exotic creatures can legally be kept as pets in some areas. Picture a hamster… the size of a dog. That’s the Capybara, the largest living rodent in the world, native to South America. […]
Pet Boarding And Daycares In Canada
Pet daycares and pet boarding kennels – also called pet hotels or pet resorts – are companies that take care of pets on their premises while their owners are at work, away from home or on holiday. In this article we feature daycares and kennels in populous cities […]
Why Check Your Cat Into A Hotel?
We all know cats as notorious homebodies, but sometimes our feline friends need a home away from home too. A ball of yarn and a series of breakables arranged on the kitchen counter, just isn’t enough to keep them out of trouble. […]
Where Should Your Cat Sleep?
Before you get a kitten or a cat, decide where you want her to sleep. Many cats prefer sleeping with their owners and many owners don’t mind. (Adopted adult cats may take longer to adjust.) But what if you don’t want to share your bed? […]
Should Dogs Have And Wear Clothes?
Some people believe that dogs should not wear clothes; that it’s not natural or necessary. Some are concerned that the clothes may chafe the dog or prevent routine personal grooming and harmless scratching. […]
Cool Cat Cafés Around The World
Check out these cool cat cafés found in some significant cities around the world. But First: What is a Cat Café? The café part is pretty obvious: a place that serves beverages and perhaps light meals. […]
Should Cats Wear Cardigans?
A quick Google search on the topic will reveal almost endless photos of cats sporting (often quite stylish) knits. While these images tend to tug at the heartstrings, one has to wonder: Do cats really need sweaters and do they even like wearing them? […]
Removing Urine Smells
Struggling with cat or dog urine stains and odours? We feel for you! Luckily we’ve found some tips and tricks to help you deal with fresh or older stains and ‘stinks’. […]
Controlling Pet Hair
Many pet owners have to deal with fur on their clothing, couches and floors. Here are some tips that could help with the fur-stration. […]
Why Pet Hotels Actually Make Pet Sense
When you hear the words Pet Hotel, you might think about a posh mansion filled to the brim with extravagances and expensive trinkets and toys for dogs and cats of wealthy celebrities. […]
Find Out Why Dogs Need Physio Too
We all know that the veterinary clinic is the place to go when your animal is sick or injured, but did you know that there are other credible alternatives to make sure your dog is in tip-top shape and form? […]
Where Should Your Dog Sleep?
All dog owners are faced with this tricky question that supposedly has multiple answers. Is the answer outside, a bed, a crate, the sofa… or your bed? Since dogs spent practically half their lives sleeping […]